I really enjoy doing custom orders. Why? Each one is a challenge. Challenges can be a good or a bad thing but it's one that keeps you reaching for new ideas. Usually people are looking for something they've imagined but just can't seem to find. When you create their ideas into reality that is a satisfying feat.
Here's some special orders that I completed recently.
And I just had to include this photo of some bridal jewelry I did almost a year ago. I love this picture of the bride and her sister goofing around.

I am so excited because I'm finally taking a lampworking class on Easter Sunday. I've had all the pieces to get started for over a year now but I've hesitated because...well, I don't want to burn the house down. Wish me luck!
And have you signed up for the giveaway yet? I'm having a giveaway on April 12th for my Punalu'u Black Sand bracelet featured in the April issue of Bead Trends. I'll be offering this bracelet along with the April issue of the magazine so sign up. Just tweet, blog, or facebook about the giveaway and come back to the original post to sign up. Please leave a comment stating how you "spread the word" and followers get extra chances to win. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each way you entered for the random number generator ;)
There's wonderful sunshine today so I must leave you now to take advantage of the good lighting for photos. Have a great Wednesday!